2023年6月1日 星期四


勃起助力裝置或負壓勃起設備,男性的勃起問題與激素水平異常有關,心理治療可以幫助改善勃起功能,男人不舉要看哪一科 怎麼治,男性勃起問題通常需要諮詢和治療的專業領域是泌尿科或性醫學科。這些專業的醫生被稱為泌尿科醫生或性醫學專家,他們專注於診斷和治療男性性功能障礙。

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Men don't want to look at which department how to treat. The professional field that male erection problems usually need consultation and treatment is urology or sexual medicine. Doctors in these specialties are known as urologists or sexual medicine specialists, and they specialize in diagnosing and treating male sexual dysfunction.

When you are faced with erection problems, it is recommended that you make an appointment with a urologist or sexual medicine specialist first. The doctor will perform a detailed history and physical examination, and may order some relevant laboratory tests and diagnostic tests to determine the cause and develop a treatment plan.

Approaches to treating erectile problems depend on the cause and individual circumstances. Here are some common treatment options:

Medication: Oral medications such as phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors (PDE5 inhibitors) (eg, Viagra, Cialis, etc.) are commonly used treatment options. They can help increase blood flow to the penis, promoting an erection. Other drugs, such as opioid antagonists or adrenergic agonists, may also be used in some cases.

Psychotherapy: If erectile problems are related to psychological factors, such as anxiety, depression, or problems with personal relationships, psychotherapy can help improve erectile function. Approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy, couples therapy, and sex therapy may be used.

Biological replacement therapy: In some cases, men with erectile problems related to abnormal hormone levels, such as low testicular function, may need biological replacement therapy, which is testosterone supplementation.

External Assistive Devices: External assistive devices, such as erection assist devices or negative pressure erection devices, can be used as a short-term treatment option.

Surgical treatment: In some cases, surgery may be an option, such as implanting an erection assist device or surgery to improve blood flow to the penis.

The best method of treatment depends on the specific situation, so it is important to consult a professional doctor or sexual medicine specialist for individualized diagnosis and treatment advice. They will be able to assess your condition and create a treatment plan for you that best suits your needs.

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In addition to urology and sexual medicine, there are a number of other specialty areas that may be involved in the treatment of male erectile problems:

Endocrinology: Endocrinologists specialize in hormone-related problems. WWW.poxet.tw If erectile problems are related to abnormal hormone levels, such as low testicular function or thyroid problems, an endocrinologist may be involved in the treatment process.

Cardiovascular: A cardiologist can evaluate and treat problems related to cardiovascular health, including erectile dysfunction. Because erectile problems are closely related to blood flow and blood vessel function, a cardiologist may be able to recommend treatment.

Psychology/Psychotherapist: Psychological factors play a large role in erection problems. A psychologist or psychotherapist can provide treatment options such as psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and couples therapy to help with psychologically related erectile problems.

In addition to treatment by professional medical institutions and doctors, the following are some suggested self-care methods to improve erectile function:

A healthy lifestyle: Maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, and a healthy body weight can help maintain cardiovascular health and blood flow.

Manage stress: Find stress management techniques that work for you, such as relaxation exercises, meditation, yoga or breathing exercises.

Avoid tobacco and limit alcohol intake: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can negatively affect erectile function. Try to avoid tobacco use and limit alcohol consumption.

Build good communication and intimacy: Working together with your partner to build good communication and intimacy can help reduce stress and improve your sex life.

Please keep in mind that the above recommendations are for guidance only and that specific treatments should be determined based on individual circumstances and your doctor's recommendations. If you or your partner continue to experience erection problems, it is recommended to consult a professional doctor for individualized evaluation and treatment advice.





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